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This Acti 9 padlocking device is used to padlock in open or closed position. It is dedicated to Acti9 iC60, iID, iDPN Vigi, iSW-NA. The padlock diameter is from 3mm to 6mm. The sealable maximum diameter is 1.2mm. The locking in ON position does not prevent tripping of the breaker in the event of faults. This yellow padlocking accessory is mounted on the front of the product to be protected. This mounting device is suitable for iC60, iC60 + Vigi, iID, iDPN Vigi, iSW-NA, iSW Acti9. This product is suitable with IEC/EN 60947-2 standard compliant disconnection.
range of product
Product or component type
Padlocking device
accessory / separate part category
Locking accessory
Quantity per set
Set of 10
keylock destination
Locking options description
Sealable Keylock in OFF or ON position
Padlock diameter
3…6 mm
Range compatibility
Acti 9 - Acti9 iC60 Acti 9 - Acti9 iID Acti 9 - Acti9 iSW Acti 9 - Vigi iC60 - Acti 9 - Acti9 iID K Acti 9 - Acti9 iDPN Vigi Acti 9 - Acti9 Reflex iC60 Acti 9 - Acti9 iC60 RCA iC60 - Acti 9 - Acti9 iC60 ARA iC60 - Acti 9 - Acti9 iSW-NA Acti 9 - Acti9 iK60 iK60N - Acti 9 - Acti9 iC40 Acti9 - Acti9 iDPN H VigiARC Acti9 - Acti9 iDPN N VigiARC
Unit Type of Package 1
Number of Units in Package 1
Package 1 Height
2.000 cm
Package 1 Width
11.500 cm
Package 1 Length
18.000 cm
Package 1 Weight
42.000 g
Unit Type of Package 2
Number of Units in Package 2
Package 2 Height
15.000 cm
Package 2 Width
30.000 cm
Package 2 Length
40.000 cm
Package 2 Weight
2.860 kg
18 months